Friday, June 19, 2015

A Final Post Before the Next Leg of the...I Forgot What I Was Saying

Counting down the hours until we leave on the Spain & Morocco leg of the The GCW Tour, which of course means I've finally started to think about potentially packing. (Why do at a reasonable hour what you can save until nearly midnight?)

At this point I've collected all my clothes for the trip, placed them in my duffle bag, and... there seems to be a lot of space left over. Packing light has never been my strong suit, and yet there is an unusually large amount of space in my unusually small bag* remaining to be filled. It's got me a little concerned. 

Of course, it might be a function of the fact that before I started packing I checked out the ten day forecast for Barcelona, Seville and Marrakech on Based on the knowledge that we'll likely be facing three weeks of temperatures ranging from eighty degrees to one hundred two, it didn't strike me that there would be much need for much beyond shorts, t-shirts and underwear. 

But I still can't shake the feeling that I'm forgetting something. Oh well, as Sib2 noted at the start of the Vietnam trip, if it turns out to be something important, armed with a Visa card you can typically replace it without too much trouble.

Oh well, I guess I'll stop worrying and think of it as room for souvenirs. 

And speaking of worrying, I'll should attempt to sooth the siblings'** worries by stating that the diabetes seems to be under reasonable control, my mouth is working normally again, and walking seems to be manageable these days. My allergies are still annoying, but perhaps three weeks in boiling hot weather will bake my sinuses dry. The Spanish siesta will likely harmonize nicely with my afternoon fatigue, so all things considered, things are about as good as they could be health-wise to be departing for a trip.

So I guess I should get back to contemplating what I might be forgetting, and making the list of things that I failed to acquire before now and so have to purchase tomorrow morning on my way to pick up the niece. 

And with that, my cancer blog basically turns into a vacation blog for the next three weeks. I suspect WiFi connections will be pretty good in Spain, so I hope posting updates will be relatively easy. We'll see.

* I've elected not to use my rolly bag this time, and just use a small duffle bag.
** Well, Sib1 and Sib2, at least. I suspect Sib4 is mostly focused on the niece. 

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