Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Scan Day

So today was scan day. Happily, it was just a CT scan so it didn't require much in the way of prep beyond spending an hour in the waiting room slowly sipping contrast agent. That said, I must say that I learned an important lesson about scans at the SCCA: a scan taken at 10:00 or 11:00 in the morning is way (way, way) better than a scan scheduled for 5:30 in evening. There is nothing more boring than waiting for a scan at the end of the day, when everyone's going off shift for the day. 

Although the skeleton crew does tend to be chattier than the folks who run the scans in the middle of the day, so that's a plus. 

I won't actually get the results of the scan until I get back from Antarctica -- which is good; who wants to spend their time with penguins stewing over a scan result? -- but at least I'll have a new benchmark when I get back. If the tumor marker values are an accurate indication, the scan should show the tumors to be smaller. 

Yay for smaller tumors.

And while I have everyone's attention, here's four more updates...

1. General post-chemo feelings: still crappy -- tired, vaguely nauseous, and barely able to eat. So, so tired of chemo in all its forms. 

2. Positive trends in the most important number of all: I lost a pound since last Thursday. I've gone from 253 something to 251.8. Presumably, a benefit of the not eating thing.

3. Kevin: Kevin still won't let me touch her, but she now wants to be seen. She's taken to coming into whatever room I'm in and laying down. Never less than three feet from me, and if I move at all, she runs under the table or the bed, but at least she's in the same room. Last night, after some forced bonding, she even hung out on the bed rather than under it. Of course, as soon as I moved she was gone, but small steps.

4. Antarctica: three days to my departure for Buenos Aires and Antarctica. I haven't actually begun packing yet, but I have high hopes that I'll be able to get started tomorrow. I did manage to read my way all the way through my travel paperwork, which made it clear that I have 23 kgs available for my bag and clothes. If the bag weighs more than that, the airline that takes me from Buenos Aires to Ushuaia won't take my bag. It would sort of suck to travel to Antarctica with nothing but the clothes on your back. 

Two more days of cancer, then another round of travel blogging. I don't know about you all out there, but I'm ready for some travel blogging. Especially with penguins.

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