Monday, July 18, 2016

The GCW Tour, A Few Bits of the UK and Ireland: Wjhwvjvfvrpnprnrjnrjbnrbprgbprhfvbwhfvbwe

Since it was our only real chance to do so, the boys decided they wanted to visit Wales. I can't say much about Wales, except the words have way too many consonants and not nearly enough vowels. 

But they have some very nice castles. Sadly, I only have pictures of the one we actually visited: Caernarfon...

And even more sadly, most of the pictures we have, I didn't take. After climbing one of the six towers I decided I'd had enough, so I gave my camera to the boys and found a sunny bench to relax on while they explored. They seem to have seen a lot...

I did catch a bit of the 1969 video of Prince Charles's investiture as the Prince of Wales playing in one of the ground floor museums. All I can say is, despite all the selling the announcers were doing, that kid just looked so uncomfortable. But maybe I'm just reading the subsequent forty-some years into the look on his face.

After that, we walked around the town a bit, had some lunch, and found a tourist information site that suggested a tour of their hydro-electric plant up in the hills. Unfortunately, when we got there they were waiting on a school group, so there were only two spots left on the tour. The boys didn't want to go without me (or maybe didn't want to go at all), so we left.

So instead of seeing the underground hydro-electric museum, we had some Welsh ice cream in the neighboring village.

And that was pretty much the sum total of our time in Wales. 

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