Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve Chemotherapy

Well now that I've experienced it I can reasonably say that about the only thing worse than Christmas Eve Chemotherapy would be Christmas Day Chemotherapy. And I asked: the SCCA will be open tomorrow and has patients scheduled for infusions. Ugh. Chemo's about as far as you can get from presents, roast beast and eggnog.

That said, there is one advantage in that the patient volumes are a lot smaller so things tend to move pretty quickly. I guess that's something.

What else?

Tumor markers are up again -- 15 over last time's 13 -- but my PA thought that could be due to the bronchitis so wasn't too worried. (Screw that; I'm worried.) As usual, I was told to wait to panic until I get the next scan which, conveniently, is the week I get back from Costa Rica.

The FD came with me this time and made the observation that I do pretty well until I'm about a third of the way through the irinotecan infusion (which comes last). I hadn't really thought about, but she's right. I sort of went of the rails about about 2:30 and we were out of there at 3:30. I was definitely dragging as we left.

Which would be a lot less of a problem if I didn't have to do laundry, pack for Costa Rica, read the guidebook for Costa Rica so I have some idea of what to do once we get there, clean the kitchen, clean the cat boxes, pay the bills that will come due while I'm out of the country, load some books and movies onto my iPad, make sure the photos of past trips are cleared off the blogging tablet so I can use it in CR, and eat (or chuck) all the food in my refrigerator that will rot while I'm gone. 

In retrospect, I can't say the choices I've made over the past two weeks demonstrate the strongest of time management skills. Ah well.

Best get started.

And best wishes for a very Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate such a thing. Here's hoping that Santa has something better in store for you than a bag full of toxic chemicals. 

And to those who don't, ask the restaurant if they have salted fish chicken fried rice. It's not always listed on the menu, and it's usually quite tasty. :-)

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