Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Chemo, Day 2

I think I jinxed myself. Yesterday's conversation with the PA basically boiled down to the question, "Can you tolerate the way things are?" Stupidly, my answer boiled down yes, at least for the foreseeable future.

Sadly, the foreseeable future lasted about two hours -- and this latest round is continuing to be a challenge.

I made it to about 11:00 pm last night (still not packed, house still a disaster, nothing loaded -- or deleted -- from any of my electronics) before I had to go to bed. 

At 12:30 I was up for an hour. Then another half hour at 3:00. Then another break at 5:00. And then the alarm went off at 7:30. I'd like to say I was just excited for Santa's visit, but I'm pretty sure that had exactly nothing to do with it. It's been a long time since I've had a visit from Santa.

I can blame some of it on Kevin -- nothing like the distinctive sound of a cat's claws pulling at the furniture to get you out of bed, fast -- but I really think it was the infusion. I feel lousy, with that lovely exhausted but unable to actually sleep dynamic running at full blast.

Adding to the pleasantries, for one of the first times I can remember, I'm actually taking the anti-nausea medications that have been collecting dust in my medicine cabinet. No vomit yet, but the waves of nausea are far more frequent than they've been recently. 

And last but not least, I'm realizing -- how I could've spaced on this I don't know -- that the SCCA is giving me the standard anti-nausea steroids prior to my infusions, and those things just kill my blood sugar numbers for a day or two at least. Woke up at 400+ this morning, which only exacerbates all the other problems.

I liked it better when Christmas brought Evel Knievel wind up motorcycles and Code Name: Sector games. Fatigue, insomnia, nausea, and hyperglycemia are all gifts I'd happily live without. 

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