Tuesday, May 19, 2015

I've Been Scanned (Again)

Today was my quarterly scan. I won't get the results until Thursday, but I did learn one interesting thing about scans today.

When the schedule the scan they tell you not to eat or drink anything for the eight hours preceding the scan. Normally I remember that sort of thing, but today I forgot. I was so focused on my blood sugar issues that I ate a container of yogurt before I left the house. Oops!

But when I told the nurse about my lapse of judgement she assured me it didn't matter. Apparently, the only reason they ask you not to eat is so that in the event you have a negative reaction to the contrast agent and you wind up vomiting there won't be anything in the vomit that you can choke on while you're lying on your back getting scanned. 

It seems the CT scanner can look past the food (at least yogurt). 

So now the question is, what will it find this time? I'll find out in about thirty-six hours. 

(smaller tumors, smaller tumors, smaller tumors...)

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