Thursday, May 28, 2015

It's Like I'm a Professional Blogger (But Not Really)

I've mentioned Kevin Drum's blog on before, but a post he put up yesterday prompts me to mention him again. Here's a partial screen shot...

Now look at my post from a few weeks back...

I'm not sure exactly why, but it's somewhat gratifying to see a professional blogger swipe the same image from a Google image search as I did. 

But that's not the only thing Mr. Drum and I have in common. He and I share the pet peeve he's writing about in this post: politicians who only support government funded medical research when it relates to a disease or condition that affects them personally. 

Today's hypocritical & myopic moron du jour is Jeb Bush, who as governor of Florida vetoed a number of bills that would've supported Alzheimer's patients, but who now thinks that the federal government needs to increase funding for Alzheimer's research. What changed? The diagnosis of his mother-in-law with Alzheimer's.

I have no doubt that Alzheimer's sucks, but so does multiple sclerosis, lupus, AIDS, diabetes, ebola, asthma, ALS, Parkinson's, malaria, Huntington's, tuberculosis, cancer and a zillion other things that you can find in a medical dictionary. It would be nice if the people who were making the funding decisions for medical research could look past their own medical records (or those of their family members) in deciding which are the conditions that deserve government funding and which are those that don't.

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