Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Dog Agility as Cancer Metaphor

If this dog represents the healthy human...

Then this dog represents the cancer patient...

Admittedly this was mostly just an excuse to post that second video which Sib4 sent me a few weeks back and which still cracks me up. At the same time, I was thinking about it today as I was walking to work and pretty much everybody on the street was passing me by. The experience made me wonder if the mastiff might not think he's actually fast. 

In many ways that's the real problem with cancer and cancer treatment: not just the fact that you're slow, but the fact that you can remember the days when you were fast and, sometimes, you can kid yourself into thinking that you still are. 

And then you walk down the street being passed by everyone, or go on vacation and spend way too much of the time sleeping. 

But I'll say this for the mastiff: he may not have been fast, but he finished the course. 

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