Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Salad Bar Math Problem

How is it that a little of this and a little of that repeated across a dozen or so potential ingredients adds up to a really big salad? 

It's a problem I'm wrestling with more and more as I try to eat healthier. But I have to wonder if a pound and a half of salad, even if made up of all sorts of healthy components, actually qualifies as healthy. Yet every time I tell myself I will build a small salad, and yet every time I wind up with a gargantuan amount of vegetable matter. 

I wouldn't care so much if it weren't for the fact that "healthy" and "compatible with the digestive system" are not at all the same thing. Sadly, the healthier I eat the worse it seems the effects are on my innerds.* I was hoping a smaller salad might make for a happier abdominal experience, 'cause if this continues I may have to go back to the bacon cheeseburgers.

Just once, it would be nice if things didn't have to be complicated. 

* Oddly, I've heard of similar effects from others. Seems salad really wants an entire colon for the digestive processes to work, and when it passes through an abbreviated version terrible things can happen. 

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