Tuesday, July 28, 2015

How Can One Possibly Think This Was a Good Idea?

The main news update from today's elevator ride: 

The woman who helped the prisoners in New York escape has plead guilty to smuggling hack saw blades into the prison hidden in some frozen ground beef.

I have absolutely no idea how to respond to this story.

On the one hand, how cool is it to know that the sort of thing that would expect to find in some absurd prison comedy actually works in real life? The only thing that would've made the story better would be if she'd baked the saw blades into a cake rather than burying them in some frozen meat. The idea that this actually worked is just so completely absurd.

On the other hand, I'm having a really hard time imaging the thought process that leads a person to believe it's actually a good idea to smuggle hack saw blades into a prison. What insane premises do you have to adopt in order for logic to lead you to the conclusion that what you really need to do today is to smuggle a saw into the prison?

My meager brain just can't comprehend it. 

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