Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Back to the Grind

Well, vacation is over and it's back to the grind. It's only taken me three days to dig out of the detritus of life that accumulated while I was in Vietnam. Good thing, too, as it turns out tomorrow is oncology day and I'm supposed to be at the SCCA at 7:30 am for a blood draw. It would've been sort of embarrassing if I'd waited until tomorrow to read the email with my appointment schedule in it. 

A few things came up while I was digging through two weeks of accumulated news, comments, activities, etc., so I figured I'd just run through them here rather than creating a bunch of separate posts. I'm lazy, and this saves me having to search for a bunch of images. 

Good for Me, Bad for the World

I was sad, but also sort of glad, to learn that Terry Pratchett died while I was in Vietnam. The British author of countless novels for adults and kids, most of Pratchett's work was very funny fantasy-ish stories -- think Harry Potter meets Lord of the Rings meets the Office -- that highlighted the absurdity of our world. I loved them, which is why Pratchett's death is sort of good thing for me. When you're told you have a terminal disease one of the things you start to think about is all the things you're going to miss when you're gone. One of the things on my list were the novels Pratchett was going to write that I wouldn't be around to read. Now it turns out there won't be many of those. Good for me, bad for everyone else. 


After Despicable Me, Despicable Me 2, and the various trailers for the forthcoming Minions movie, I was surprised to learn that not everyone recognized that Dave was a minion or, for that matter, knew what a minion was. So, for anyone that doesn't recognize a minion, here's one of the trailers for their new movie:

Four Out of Five Ain't Bad

Turns out, rayon is not a good choice for pajama pants. I have now completed my post-Vietnam laundry, including my new pajama pants. The cotton and linen came through without significant shrinkage, but I think I lost about three inches off the rayon pair. So if you're in the vicinity of 6'2" tall with about a 36" waist and have a desire for a lovely pair of pajama pants with an elephant pattern, shoot me an email. 

I've Got My Papers

In my rush to get everything together for Vietnam, I forgot to mention that I've now got my official "death" paperwork: will, medical directive, financial power of attorney, and medical power of attorney. With any luck I won't need them for awhile, but at least now I've got them. (Have you got yours? Not to be morbid, but accidents do happen...)

And on that cheery note, we'll call it a night. Oncology day starts early.

On second thought, we can't end on that. So here are more minions..

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