Saturday, July 5, 2014

Who Ya Gonna Call?

Given my family's history regarding the communication of health crises, the question of who to call in response to the PA's instruction strikes me as more complicated than it probably ought to be. Happily, practicalities soon take over.

Most people in my position would call their spouse, but my S2BXS and I haven't shared a residence for nearly a year. And while we're on good terms and she'd probably help if I asked, she works a job that isn't really conducive to impromptu departures. More important, she's an alternative commuter. For her to help me she'd have to first get home to fetch her car and then come find me. As a last resort, maybe, but not the best option.

Sib1 lives 3 hours north, so she's not really viable either.*

Sib2 lives and works close by, thus making him a good choice except for the fact that he's recently left for a trip to Asia. Definitely not a viable option. 

Next up is Sib4. She's thirty minutes up the road and has a very busy life, but is usually willing and able to flex things around when the need arises. I send her a text laying out the situation, and she agrees to cancel the rest of her day and head down.

And so Sib4 joined the party. 

* It turns out that Sib1 was actually on the East Coast at the time, with a phone that wasn't working. It took almost a week to bring her up to speed on what was going on with me. Feel free to read the previous post on botched communications, and conclude that it must run in the family.

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