Today is chest port day.
I am not excited about chest port day.
While I understand the benefits of a chest port, from my perspective there are two major downsides to chest port day.
First, this is pretty much the first big thing that makes the cancer real. It's not a surgery to eliminate a painful problem. It's not a diagnostic event. This is someone filling me with plastic tubing (see, told you) to make the future delivery of chemotherapy easier. The chest port is going to make denial awfully difficult to maintain.
Second, and more important, while my Dad was facing a much different situation than I am, and he was in really terribly shape at the time, the primary cause of death for my Dad was the installation of a chest port. He threw a clot during the procedure and never woke up.
Yeah, not at all excited about chest port day.
And on that happy note, it's time to shut down the computer and walk over to Group Health. Presumably, I'll be back in a few hours to report on the result.
I hope so, anyway.
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