Saturday, September 17, 2016

Learn from My Mistake

We interrupt this tale of the past week to bring you the following emergency life lesson...

If your doctor prescribes you a steroid, be sure to ask why. Lots and lots of times. Many, many times. Repeat yourself liberally. Interrogate him or her freely until you are absolutely convinced that you both understand, and agree, as to why the steroid is a good idea. 

Because there will be a price to pay. Specifically, if you're like me, you won't sleep. At all. Possibly ever again.

My doc wanted me to start taking Prednisone, and so today I did. Oops. And the even bigger oops is that I can't for the life of me remember what it was I was trading away my sleep for exactly. I'm sure it was important, but I'm also pretty sure I wasn't really absorbing the fact that this drug was going to have this particular side effect. (They did tell me not to take it late in the day, but the last time I checked 9:30am was not late in the day.)

I hate this side effect. The only side effect I hate worse these days is constipation. So I'm telling myself that the Prednisone was supposed to help with the latter, which is about the only thing that makes it tolerable. 

So, yeah. If you wind up in a similar situation, don't take the steroids lightly. Nasty, nasty little drugs...

1 comment:

  1. My bad. Coulda told you that. Also coulda warned you not to get a prednisone shot, take a 24-hour Sudafed and down a venti latte in the same half hour. I was impressed with how focused and attentive to details I became. My wife was not.


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