Wednesday, October 21, 2015

I'm Probably Just Repeating Myself Now

Have you ever gone on a road trip? If so, have you had that experience where you look down and notice that the gas gauge is getting awfully close to empty but you're in the middle of nowhere and aren't quite sure you're going to make it? You start slowing down in the hopes that the gas you've got left will go a little bit further and start looking for signs pointing to civilization.

It was a lot more stressful before gas gauges that tell you exactly how many miles you've got left, and GPS navigators that will direct you to the nearest gas station.

I've made a few road trips in my day, and as a few folks will attest, I've been known to push the limits of my gas gauge too far, and thus wound up pushing the car. I have to say, day to day life these days is starting to remind me of those feelings you get when you know you're running on vapors and you start desperately searching for a gas station.

Our lives are propped up by a variety of things -- partners, friends, kids, jobs, hobbies, yadda, yadda, yadda -- but in my case the current cancer treatment is starting to cause the few props I've got left to start to fall away. You can fake your way through some parts of life, but the longer this goes on the harder it gets to fake. 

I do wish I could get an answer on the surgery option. It would make it easier to figure out how much further I've got to go. 


  1. I have no words of wisdom. If I were in your place, I'd probably call and yell at a new person at the hospital every day. It might not get me anywhere, but I feel better when I yell. Keep fighting the good fight John.


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