Monday, October 12, 2015

Here We Go Again

I spent today at an all day meeting for work. It was a perfectly fine meeting, and unlike most of the things I do at work, actually had some relevance for the blog.

Although there were breaks and a few interactive moments, the bulk of the time I spent sitting at a table with a dark blue table cloth and a single sheet of paper (the agenda) in front of me. All of which was fine until I started to notice that my little spot at the table was beginning to look an awful lot like a barber shop. This is to say, there were all these little hairs, mostly grey but a few brown ones, littering my spot at the table. 

Eventually I realized that the my recent chemo infusion was combining negatively with my unfortunate habit of rubbing my hand over my head when I'm thinking. Based on today's evidence, it would seem that every time I touch my head the hair starts leaping into the surrounding space.

Thus, it seems pretty clear that I will soon by repeating my previous impersonation of a moldy egg. I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but the chemotherapies used for colon cancer don't cause you to go bald, though they do cause your hair to get rather thin. Thus, rather than looking like a nice, fresh hard boiled egg you wind up looking like a hard boiled egg that fell behind the refrigerator and was forgotten. 

It is not a good look generally, and I suspect the fact that I'm thirty pounds heavier than I was the last time I was receiving chemo infusions isn't going to improve it any.

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