Thursday, August 20, 2015


There's a menswear blogger* who argues that wearing suits every day is by far the most effective method of weight control. Once you've got a closet full of suits, the last thing you want to do is pay to have them all altered as your weight goes up and down.

I'd forgotten that lesson until I tried on one -- and then most -- of my suits. I stopped wearing them three or so years ago when the dress code at work changed. Three years ago they all fit fine, and seven months ago I probably could've used them to cover a smuggling operation, as I could've taped quite a few packages of whatever to my body and still got the pants closed. Today, it would take an industrial strength corset to get most of the pants to close around my waist.

Cancer is hard on the wardrobe. 

At least I can sort of squeeze myself into what used to be my fat suit. I look like a Ball Park frank, but it'll (have to) do for the few hours I need to be in a suit. 

And I'm going to think very hard before scheduling any more events involving a dress code that requires anything more formal than cargo pants. 

* His blog is, or at least was, called "A Suitable Wardrobe." 

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