Monday, February 9, 2015

A Few Things I Find Tiring

I'm tired of wondering if my back pain is a result of the fact that I'm out of shape and spend all day sitting, or cancer.

I'm tired of walking home from work and not being able to feel my toes by the time I'm halfway through the trip.

I'm tired of having to swallow eight horse pills a day. 

I'm tired of having lengthy conversations about my bowel movements with every healthcare provider that crosses my path.

I'm tired of having fingernails that split and tear no matter what I do to prevent it.

I'm tired of not knowing whether I should be planning for weeks, months or years. 

I'm tired of wondering if my decision to forego any future chemo infusions is the right one. 

I'm tired of being tired all the time.

I'm tired of having to think about cancer all the time. 

Ah well. What else would I do with all my free time?

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