Monday, November 3, 2014

Beer Mitten...with Shark

At risk of turning my cancer blog into an alcohol blog, I just wanted to share this very cool beer mitten I got from a friend at work. I'm sure it's designed to keep the beer inside cold, but it also works very well to keep the fingers on the outside warm -- or at least warm enough not to have the neuropathy kick it. 

And it's got a shark going through a tube on it. I'm not sure why it has a tube-traversing shark -- I don't typically associate beer with sharks -- but the shark seem does seem cheery and festive, so what the heck. 

So woohoo! for the beer mitten, and here's to the Pacifico inside it. Pacifico was my Mum's brand, so whenever I drink it I think of her. And while part of me is very glad she's not around to worry about the current state of my life, another part really wishes she were here. She'd no doubt have useful commentary on all of this crap. 

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