Monday, September 29, 2014

Cycle 5 Summary

I love this image -- for those whose devices make it hard to read, the caption is "Rock Bottom: You'll know it when you get there" -- but it's actually wrong. When it comes to chemotherapy, you don't know where the bottom is because there is no bottom.* Any and all of your symptoms can, and mostly do, always get worse (though to keep you guessing, they can also get better). 

Thus, while the weekend of Cycle 4 had me bedridden, Cycle 5's weekend wasn't so bad. I actually spent most of Saturday far from my condo. At the same time, the various flavors of neuropathy were the worst they've been this time around. 

But at this point I think the primary side effects of Cycle 5 have either passed or have reached the point of stability, where they aren't going to get better before Cycle 6 exacerbates them further. So Cycle 5 is basically done. 

And at least the weather's changed so hot tea is a reasonable drink alternative to cold anything. Hot tea also has the advantage of covering the taste of dead Tin Man better than most other beverages. 

So perhaps the peoples of the United Kingdom have it right after all. Perhaps a cup of tea really is the cure for everything. 

*Well, I suppose the chemicals could kill you -- which would, in fact, be rock bottom -- but since you'd be dead you wouldn't actually know you'd reached the bottom. Therefore, my premise holds. 

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