Saturday, September 13, 2014

Cycle 4, Day 4 Summary

All things considered, Cycle 4 has turned out to be an improvement over Cycle 3. Granted, it was noon before I got out of bed (after going to sleep at around 10:00 the night before), but once I made it to vertical I was actually able to take a shower and leave the house. So that was good.

The bad part of Cycle 4, though, has been the whole mouth thing. I've already gone on at length about the whole weird choking feeling that ice causes, as well as the joint pain that starts up in my jaw whenever I eat or drink. Onto those already choice side effects, Cycle 4 has added an unrelenting mouth feel that I can only liken to what I imagine it would feel like if the Tin Man climbed into your mouth to die. This started with the infusion, but it's only gotten worse as the days have gone on. I keep waiting for the sensation to diminish, but it's been doing the opposite. What's more, the things you think might cover the taste -- like, say, coffee -- only make it worse. 

I might mention here that my average coffee intake is about four cups a day.  

So I would be extraordinarily grateful to the universe if tomorrow could bring a reduction to the mouth-related chemo side effects. I should probably just be happy that chemo-generated mouth sores haven't started yet,* but nah, I really want the Tin Man to go find some place else to die. 

 Warning: this is not something you want to Google.

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