Monday, May 30, 2016

The Great Irony of a Terminal Disease

Somewhere in the last few weeks I think I reached the ironic inflection point of my journey with cancer. This is to say, though I'm not dead yet, I'm actually starting to wish I was. The effort it takes to keep moving forward is more than I can muster anymore, and none of the things that were pulling me forward before have the force they once did. 

Not to put too fine a point on it, but I'm ready to be done. 

And yet here I am. Still marching along. Still pretending like there's reason to be hopeful or reason to bother getting out of bed.

Oh well. It can't last too much longer, I wouldn't think. 


  1. So sorry to hear things suck right now. My husband is in the same stinking boat, about to start Lonsurf. Any words of wisdom? How are the side effects, other than the wallet-draining copayment?

    1. Sorry to hear about your husband. No fun -- but at least he has you.

      Anyway, I'll do a post in a bit on the Lonsurf side effects I've experienced (since the text functions on the Blogger comments are pretty limited).


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