Monday, April 20, 2015

And Another Thing...

If you get frustrated by your light bulb problem and so go back to bed and pull the pillow over your head, there's a very good chance that after you get back up and do a few things with the rest of your day, and then go to sleep after watching John Oliver, Game of Thrones and part of some cruddy car racing move, you're going to wind up lying in bed awake listening to the neighbor's grandfather clock chime out three in the morning wondering why you're listening to the clock chime at three in the morning and then it will chime 3:15 and then 3:30 and by then your stomach will have decided that, since you're up anyway, it could actually do with some food and so you'll have to get up and make some toast (which you'll burn since you're operating on about three hours of sleep) and pretty soon you'll notice that the birds are starting to chirp, and since these are not Vietnamese chickens you can be fairly sure that morning is coming and you'll realize that somehow an hour has passed and now it's 4:30 which is probably too late to go back to sleep and it suddenly dawns on you that you're likely going to be in for a really bad day.

Because of a stupid light bulb...

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