Thursday, January 22, 2015

Any Guesses?

I was just on my health insurance web page and noticed that they'd begun processing claims for my recent visit to the SCCA, including the one for the first round of Xeloda.* 

I take eight 500 mg pills a day for fourteen days, so I received 112 pills. Any guesses how much the claim was for?

Three thousand seven hundred forty-seven dollars and sixty-five cents!!! I make that out to be thirty-three dollars and forty-six cents per pill. 

And if my recollection of the paper I read is right, and a six month regimen of Xeloda buys you three additional months of life, it would seem the approximate value we've assigned to that time is, at minimum, $30,000. 

Glad I'm not the one footing that bill, and it makes me a little sad for the people that are. Sorry everybody in my insurance pool!

But the sad thing is that I'd bet my end of life care will actually be less than a lot of people's. I think I read somewhere that about a third of what the country spends on health care is spent on people in the last six months of life, and working reasonably close to the health care industry I've heard some stories that would support that claim (as well as making you wonder what people could possibly be thinking). 

Good thing Sarah Palin put a stop to those "death panels." 

* I just learned I've been spelling this wrong; it's Xeloda, not Zeloda. Oops. But I'm too lazy to go back and correct the prior posts. 

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