Saturday, September 17, 2016

Here's to Fentanyl and a Few Small Meals a Day

Saturday was a joy.

The first thing I did when I woke up was to swap out my Fentanyl patches. In so doing, and per my palliative nurse's instructions, I doubled the number of patches I stuck to my stomach.* And within a few hours, I actually felt pretty good. Good enough, in fact, to eat.

So I had a tiny bowl of caprese salad. 

And then a few hours later I had a small fruit and protein smoothie.

And a few hours after that I had another round of caprese. (First lesson in cooking for one: learn to enjoy seeing the same things appear at multiple meals, which, admittedly, isn't hard with caprese.) 

And then still more hours later I had some yogurt.

And then I went to bed.

And then I woke up on Sunday and learned that the multiple small meals throughout the day idea as a solution to abdominal pain was complete and total bullshit. 

* Metaphorically speaking. They actually gave me bigger patches, so I got double the medication with the same number of stickers.  

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