Friday, April 1, 2016

I'm Probably Not Extra Material, But Maybe I Could Be a Prop

Still morbid. Sorry...

So a friend forwarded me a news article stating that Star Wars, Episode VIII is going to be shooting near Seattle at some point in the future. There weren't a lot of details, but the Seattle location will apparently be used to represent a planet not previously seen in the Star Wars movies.

Planet Misty? Planet Bikelane? Planet Microbrew? One can only guess. 


No doubt they'll need extras. But since I'm too tall to play a stormtrooper -- clearly, the go-to role for Star Wars extras -- at first I was thinking I should hope the planet will be populated by wookies. Wookies are tall, and the actors are completely covered by the costume, so the fact that I'm tall and look terrible wouldn't necessarily preclude me from being selected as an extra. 

But then I realized the fact that I'm generally non-engaging, and sometimes nearly inanimate, probably would get in the way. And then I had a stoke of genius. If I were to die before filming started, I could have my siblings hold off on taking my ashes to the naked beach in Maui and stick me in an urn just long enough for the executor of my will to take me to where they're shooting and ask if I couldn't put me in the background somewhere. 

The one cancer dude got an early screening of Force Awakens. And while I'd agree that asking for a role, even as an extra, might be a little much, the request to be a prop doesn't seem like a huge ask. To be "the vase in the background at the twenty-three minute mark" of  a Star Wars movie would be pretty awesome. 

Or even better, "the vase in the background at the twenty-three minute mark that gets exploded by the light saber." Now that would be a way to be remembered. 

Ah well. It's good in theory, but probably unlikely that the timing will work out. So I probably won't be in the next Star Wars movie, not even as a prop. 

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