Sunday, April 26, 2015

Neuropathy, Phase Three (Five? Nine? Four Million?)

So the neuropathy progresses. Regresses? Whatever the word in this context is for "changes and gets worse." 

On the hand front, while the cold sensitivity has yet to return (yay!), I've pretty much lost all capability for fine detail function. For example, trying to open the pop top on the dishwasher liquid bottle is pretty much impossible. I'm at the point now of having to pull a knife from the door to pry it open. Similarly, tapping on this laptop keyboard starts all the nerve endings buzzing, so there's only so much time I can do it before my fingers get so sore I have to stop. So that's no fun, but the feet are worse,

I was warned it would likely come, but I wasn't really ready for the foot pain. At this point no matter what shoes or slippers I wear -- or don't wear -- it feels like there's a golf ball under my left foot. The pain is fairly constant from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep. This is actually more concerning for me than the fingers, as it slows down my walking even more than had already been the case and I'm not yet ready to give up my mobility. I've got trips to take and places to see, and I need to be able to move at a reasonable pace to see them. 

So the PA and I will be having a conversation at this week's $20,000 Thursday. Last time she was close to waiving away a round of the Xeloda to give my feet time to recover, but I wanted to keep up the regimen. This time, I'd be willing to take the pass. Spain is rapidly approaching, and I don't want to be limping across the country. 

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